My Best Day With Them ♥♥♥
Discovery College group arrived to Koposizon Homestay on 1st December around 9pm. There are 38 pax total including the two teachers, five Dragonfly staff and the students. They arrived to KOposizon Homestay after their trip from Klias to see the fireflies. They were given short briefing about the homestay and they were divided to thier host families. They were given light refreshment and the host had brought cake for the birthday girl, Carrie. There are two students (Ryan and Alex) and one Dragonfly staff stayed in my house (Scott Graham).

They woke up at 8:30am, getting ready and have our first day breakfast with the homestay host. Were are having porridge, noodles, sausages and backed bean for our breakfast. After breakfast, they are getting ready to go to the community hall to first day programs.

The students were divided into two groups so that it would be easier for them to do the activities without congestion. I'm with the Scott's group. First, we all went to the rubber plantation together with John's group to do the rubber tapping. After that, we went to the paddy field to fertilize the paddy manually (not with machine). Even though with the hot sun, they managed to finish the work very well. After finish fertilizing the paddy, we all went back to the community hall to have our lunch.

After that hard work, they were served lunch at the community hall. The food is being cater from the Muslim's caterer. We served "Halal food". They seems to enjoy the food.

The students are having their lunch together at the community hall.

My mum teach one of the student how to open the young coconut. It looks easy but it is very difficult. You wanna try it? Come to Koposizon Homestay.

They were doing the coconut grating activities by using the horse-like coconut grater. It was like riding a small horse. Alex is showing how he do the coconut grating.

The students trying the "pinompol", the sago pancake that my grandma and mother make. They are demonstrating how to cook the sago pancake. They even tell story about the past where they have no food, so they only eat sago pancake to survive during the war. It re-flashed back the memories. But its good for the students' understanding. They don't know about the past.

Mr. Robert is cooking the sago. Most of the students preferred to eat the cooked grubs than the raw grubs. The raw grubs is rich in protein.

Mr. John Michael is showing the students how to make the sago flour manually, which is by stepping the grated sago and added with water. The sago flour can be seen at the end of the process. Come and dance together while at the same time making the sago flour.

My mum is teaching them on how to make the "atap" by using the sago tree materials.

Even the Dragonfly's staff is doing it. Ganbate, Chieku.

After all the students had finish making the "atap", they all want to test is whether they had succeed making the waterproof "atap". They all went under the small hut with the "atap". Guess what happened? "The water leak"

We have our farewell party for the students at the community hall. There are some cultural performances by the village teenagers. But the students more interested in doing the bamboo dance because it looked challenging.

The teachers and even the Dragonfly' staffs were trying it.

I teach the students how to play the instrument for the bamboo dance beat. Well, it is so easy and the students are fast learner. So, it is easy for them to catch up. They even played the instrument for the final jam.

Then, we had souvenir giving ceremony. We took photo with our guests. Hope to meet them again.

We went to Mr. Robert's house for some karaoke time. But not all the students came because it was late at night. Only one teacher and three Dragonfly's staffs including me, Mr. William and Mr. Ajin.

At home, Ryan, Alex and my family were decorating the Christmas tree. Scott and me just came back from Robert's house. So we only take picture after they have done setting up the Christmas tree.

The next day, after they are leaving Koposizon Homestay and went back to Hong Kong, as a remembrance for them, the planted trees (coconut tree and palm tree) near the community hall and at the back of the information center near the river. This is also to support the Green Campaign.

We all gathered at the community hall after having our lunch at home together. All the students were wearing Dragonfly t-shirt. We had some activities together with the students. They were arranged into few groups together with their host family.

The activities includes walking on the coconut shells and playing the top.

Before we say goodbye to our guests, we took photo together with them. It feel so sad when it come to say goodbye. But i wish them well and hope to see them again soon.

All the homestay host waving goodbye to the students when they are departing from Koposizon Homestay to the airport. But the four Dragonfly's staff (Chieku, Adila, Scott and John) will be staying one more night at William's house. And that night, we are having a gathering. It was their last day in Sabah. Because the next day, they are leaving back to Hong Kong. Hope they will come back again and bringing more tourists to Koposizon Homestay.
Whoa!! So many things going on! All the tourist were very supportive too! there any hot guys during the visits? I don't see any in all of those picture ;)
there is many hot guys...all are young..