Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

Hey there. How are you? I hope you guys all doing fine and maybe some of you can't wait for Feb 14 which also known famously for Valentine's Day. Pretty sure everyone had already made restaurant reservation for nice candle light dinner or simple dinner with their partner, surprise gift or vacation and many more. Well, at least tomorrow would be meaningful for those who celebrate it. As for me, I still cannot chose which one to be my partner. I'm still afraid of being broken-heart again. I know that I should be stronger day by day as I was facing lots of challenges and obstacles but still this fear make all my courage to disappear every time I start to fall in love. Its just that I could not trust anyone but God. Only God knows me better than I know myself. Being broken heart for second time making me feel so insecure and fragile. To be honest until now my wound still not heal. I had tried to forget all the memories but for a second I had forgotten then it would be a life time it still be on my mind. All those words that he spoke to me really mean a lot to me as it give me guidelines but all those words was the hardest part of him to forget. Every details was so clear and can be understood but when the time came, all those words was just piece of rubbish. Its really hard to trust someone like that who were just a pretender. Damn I was fooled again!!

Broken heart girl:
\\Emma Gabrie\\

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